FacingX on osa Balint Barabas Szigetin Teatterikorkeakoulun lopputyötä. FacingX tutkii teatterin, tanssin ja esityksen välistä tilaa. FacingX is an antimusical on temporality. "When you start to sing yourself in the deep dark forest." Esityskieli Suomi/Englanti. Esitykset 18.-19.3.

Paikka & aika
18. maalisk. 2024 klo 19.00 – 20.15
KokoTeatteri, Hämeentie 3, 00530 Helsinki, Finland
Tietoa tapahtumasta
Esitykset: 18.3. & 19.3. klo 19
FacingX on osa Balint Barabas Szigetin Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulun lopputyötä. Esitys on tehty yhteistyössä amerikkalaisen koreografin, suomalaisten näyttelijöiden ja slovakialaisen säveltäjän kanssa.
FacingX tutkii teatterin, tanssin ja esityksen välistä tilaa.
Esityskieli Suomi/Englanti. Esityksen kesto n. 75min.
"when you start to sing yourself in the deep dark forest"
FacingX. An antimusical on temporality
While I'm writing this the waltz of the blue danube hunts me, it is crawling into me, completely imbue me, maybe it is in the space between the letters,
what is the X we're try to facing with? does X open to interpretation or X open interpretation? where the urge to make music, to dance, to move, to talk, to build culture, to surround yourself with noise come from?
we'd like to have a shared moment with the audience to meditate in these questions and experience the beauty of farewell, the moment when we start to hear our own breath
facingX celebrates while making fun of music and culture as the most sophisticated remedy against silence and our nothingness. It is a celebration and a farewell, an experience on the beauty of extinction.
Through the process we are seraching for non-itellectual ways of immersivity, which still grants the spectator the freedom of choice.
The performance is part of Barabas's university research made in collaboration with an american choreographer, finnish and swedish actors, and a slovakian composer.
Mise an scene: Balint Barabas Szigeti
Choreography: Kadence Neill
Performers: Olli Kalliala, Jenni Murtonen, Vivi Kangasniemi, Li Krook
Composer: Jan Stevuliak
Rita Csáky-Bogár and the Budapest Strauss Symphonic Orchestra for the recording of Blue Danube
Third planet for providing the song to be gone
Maze-Kalauz Márton for the song: Melankólikus Dallam
Overflow for the G6 remix
Olli Kalliala for the song: Mä en aio
and Ben Neill for The chase
Anna Veijalainen for the space of KokoTeatteri.
16,00 €–29,50 €Myynti on päättynyt- 29,50 €
- 24,50 €
- 19,00 €
Teatteri- ja tanssialan ammattilaislippu
16,00 €Myynti on päättynyt
0,00 €